Jessica Simpson Found a Remedy For Her Swollen Foot, and It Brought Back Her "Skankles

Image Source: Getty / Brian Ach
Jessica Simpson has finally found some relief for her swollen foot. After crowdsourcing remedies from her social media fanbase, the 38-year-old mom of two turned to an ancient Chinese practice to help alleviate the uncomfortable symptom of her third pregnancy.

Jessica shared a photo of her left foot and ankle to Instagram on Jan. 10, and asked her followers for advice on how to treat the swelling. While swollen feet are common during pregnancy, they can absolutely be irritating. Jessica's fans responded with a variety of solutions, and the singer eventually turned to a therapy many celebrities and athletes use to treat muscle pain: cupping.
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Scientific studies still remain inconclusive on the benefits of cupping, but Jessica appeared to see results as she shared a photo of her "skankles," AKA skinny ankles. She'll be slipping on those "boots made for walking" again in no tim


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